Can a screen be repaired?

Can a screen be repaired?

I have had a mishap with my Touch screen (nudged it with my elbow  while rolling over in bed!) and the top half is now impossible to read. It works perfectly but no use being able to read only half a page! Does any one know if this can be repaired and if so what the cost may be? I am reluctant to send it off and pay Sony £28 if  it is generally known that the screen can not be replaced. Unfortunately all the wee lass at the so called "help" centre will  say that she is not an engineeer. How to win loyal customers.. not!

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I suggest you ask the nice lady - I feel sorry for her if that's the stock reply to these replies - if you can please speak to the engineering/technical department - surely a set-up like Sony have one available to answer just such this sort of enquiry ?

I've always managed to speak to someone techy in other firms/makes, like Pansonic, Canon, etc...

Surely they can't "blackmail" you into paying an evaluation fee without giving at least an indication that a repair can even be carried out, and whether at least it would be economical ?

Or can they ?

As you say, not a great advert for a caring company.

Thanks. The lady was very firm that there was no way round the evaluation charge. Have to say that my husband has the new Kindle and if I did not have a stockpile of unread books for the Ereader I know what my next move would be!!

Perhaps Specialist Convergence or Thalamus could find out something ?

It does seem a bit daft .

By my reckoning, over the whole Forum, that's 2 definitely never going to buy Sony again,  and 1 - 2 very unhappy users who might be going the same way.

And at least one other on the AV Forum as well.

To be fair, Sony will not be able to evaluate the damage without looking at the Reader and as the accidental damage will not be covered by warranty, there is a cost involved in carrying out the evaluation.

I have to say that usually, if the screen itself is damaged, it cannot be economically repaired.

Do you have Accidental Damage covered on your Household Insurance?

Have you tried a Hard Reset of the Reader to eliminate any other simpler problem except hardware failure?


Thanks that is what i thought. hard reset did not help. A friend who has swopped to Kindle is going to lend me hers to read the books I have bought  and then iIam switching to a Kindle. I prefer the ereader  screen and handling experience but really the Kindle's ability to just down load as and when you want and the price of both the books and the equipment just trump the Sony's poor service and having to preload before you go on holiday.Pity but hopefully they will wake up soon.

Had mine 'evaluated' when I did something similar - replacement screen quoted at £167!  Since I can buy a brand new Kindle for considerably less than that guess what I am planning once I have saved up?


Throw good money after bad and buy another e reader  I presume!

Quite ridiculous.

I don't get the attitude with Sony, I really don't. It's like they don't want to have anything to do with you once you've bought probably the dearest reader on the market. Most buyers seem quite aware of the fact it doesn't have the bells and whistles of 3g & WiFi, but are impressed enough to purchase it because of it's build, looks. adaptability or, perhaps, "potential " - then a lot are faced with the reality of having to go to the Forum for info and assistance.

Plus the hope that someone from Sony sees or has it brought to their attention ?

I'm just bewildered really - I run a ( admittedly small) business which is totally reliant on good service, reasonable terms, and personal recommendation, and wouldn't stay in business 6 months if I treated my customers like I didn't care if they came back or not.


I would think that anything can be repaired for a price, and a Sony would be quite a price I’m sure.

But you are right about the “Service (NOT)”, I Had a problem with my 650 locking up, and thanks to Thalamus’s advice to someone else, I managed to unlock it.

All Sony could advice, was send it back to their service centre, and guess what they didn’t even tell me the address of said centre.

I have just had a problem with my year old Toshiba television, just out of warranty, admittedly I was on the phone for just short of an hour, but they sorted it by going to different people in different departments, including offering a good will pick up and repair if needed.


Will not buy anything SONY again, (won’t buy a Kindle either, to restrictive on books).

But the best of luck with yours, if it can be fixed.

Oh, and I would advise keeping you books on a MS or SD card, then if you have to do a hard reset you won’t have to load them all back onto your reader, just let it go through its cataloguing or whatever it does when it restarts, and away you go. And you can load books right onto the card without transfering through the USB cable, thats a bonus in itself.

After all that I have said about Sony’s lack of help, they have one terrific device in this 650, I do love it, just be nice if you could rely on some support from them.

Message was edited by: HillHiker