Meet our photo competition winner

Sleeping beauty | ElkeDPSleeping beauty | ElkeDPWe would like to present to you the winner of our competition on the topic of "fairy tales". Read the interview and discover more about the photographer and the story behind his image.


Can you please tell us a little about yourself and why you took up photography?

I am Elke, mother of four small children, living in Belgium. I started photography because I wanted to capture my children beautifully in pictures. Not the standard photos, but pictures as I saw them in my head. After a few years of taking lessons, practicing and practicing, the pictures in my head really started to come out of my camera. I love my job as a photographer!


How did you feel when you were told you had won the competition?

I was very shocked by the e-mail. I definitely didn't expect to win. Winning from all those other beautiful pictures!! A feeling of pride.


Tell us what inspired you to capture this image.

 My children watch a lot of fairy tales and I thought it would be fun to work out some of their favorite fairy tales. Every detail has to be right. The location, the clothes, the accessories, the model. If you pour all this together you will get a beautiful fairytale picture ...


Can you tell us something about the set-up, equipment that has been used for this shot?

When you think of sleeping beauty, you think of the spinning wheel she's sticking her finger on. This one certainly wasn't to be missed in the photo. All the way under the dust and cobwebs from in her dusty attic/church tower. I've been working here with natural light on a cloudy day.


Can you share some tips that could help other photographers to create photos worthy of entering a competition?

Try to pay close attention to detail. Be equally very critical of your own. If necessary, re-create the photo a few times. For a good photo, a lot of preparation is often needed.