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I am new to this site so I am hoping that somebody may be able to help.
I own the above model of camcorder and I want to try and get a 2.0 x tele conversion lens that would be suitable, I already own a VCL-HG 1730A lens that works well but would like to upgrade to a higher magnification.
Many thanks, John B.
Hello John - Welcome to the Sony Forums
Disregarding possible lenses that have already been officially discountinued, I have noticed a number of possibilities on eBay that may have manufactured as a third party lens. Unfortunately I am not permitted to post precise selling links here, however if you visit eBay UK and search for '30mm tele converter lens Sony' you will see the possible products that are listed as having a x2.0 zoom. If you have been using an adapter ring with your existing lens, this may come in handy when looking for your next purchase.
Thank's Simon.
I did buy a 2.0x lens from E-Bay but it is not that good, I do not use an adapter ring on my 1.7x lens as it screws directly on to the front of my Sony camcorder.
Regards John B.
Hello again
My apologies - I have been looking at some conflicting information about the lens thread size on your camera.
Could you confirm your lens thread size to me and I will look into other possibilties for you.
The thread size on the front of the camcorder is 30mm.
Regards John B.
Hello again
I have found another possibility if you would prefer to try something away from eBay. There is a 30mm 2x teleconverter lens manufactured by Zeikos which can be found by searching for 'Zeikos 30mm 2x Teleconverter' into Amazon (Google also shows a few stores that can offer this product). Again, there is always a chance that these lenses will not perform as well as the Sony originals but you could always ask in a local camera store if they have a similar product that you could try with your camera before buying.
Thankyou for taking the time to help me with this problem, I will look at this lens.
Hello again
Thanks - if you do order this lens (or another equivalent) please let me know how you get on. This will help other people who find this forum thread in the future.