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CX405 judder when panning (50p AVCHD)


CX405 judder when panning (50p AVCHD)



I have a Sony HDR-CX405 camcorder.


Recently i have began to notice a motion judder when panning left/right. I am filming in 50fps so it should be smooth, but now and again (especially in low light) i get a judder when panning. It doesnt even have to be fast panning, just panning in general. The best way i can describe it is that it looks like its in low fps slow motion, then it corrects itself and goes back to normal. I dont know why its started doing this, but its ruining my videos (especially on a day like today).


Can anyone help or shed any light on what this could be?




(ps, i would like to add, this is happening during filming and playback, not just playback)