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Cant see PJ810 on wifi network - solved


Cant see PJ810 on wifi network - solved

I figured out how wifi works, there are specific events in play menu and recording menu that must be executed, then camera tries to connect to pre-set wifi network and searches for device that can interact with on network. Setting wifi in main menu only saves acces point settings (doesnt turn on  camera sharing on network in mass storage mode). Even you can make connection to camera with smartphone and so, but you have to choose that from menu and camera broadcats its SSID showing it on screen with password.


Original message:

Hello, my camera SONY PJ810E says "registered" when i connect to my home wifi router with DHCP (choosed SSID and entered password). But i cant see camera in local network, PlayMemories (Windows nor Android) donesnt see my camera and ipscan not showing camera in IP list (other devices are listed with its IPs), even if i choose manual IP address (mask and gateway).

Please which way is wifi connection supposed to work?

Thank you.