XG9005 connected to an amplifier problem


XG9005 connected to an amplifier problem

I have a KD-49XG9005 connected by HDMI (ARC) to a Sony STR-DH790 amplifier and Youview set top box. I have a problem in getting the audio to be seen to be correctly routed. When switching on to use the Youview box (I use a Harmony 650 remote). The audio is always routed correctly to the amplifier but the tv shows alternately the messages ‘tv speakers active’ and ‘audio system active’ at each switch on. Although the sound always comes through the amplifier if I look at the tv menu it shows that either the tv speakers or the audio system speakers are active (dependant on the tv message displayed). It seems that although the sound is routed correctly the tv does not always recognise this!


I also have a problem in that if I use the tv tuners at switch on (using the Harmony to set inputs etc) I have to reset the amplifier input to ‘tv’ as the tv sends a command to the amplifier to change its input to ‘mediabox’ during its start up sequence.


any help or guidance will be appreciated.


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You seem to have a similar problem. I’m convinced that for me the problem is in the way that hdmi communications function. I have to ensure that I turn off the amplifier 3 seconds before the tv is switched off (I’m using a Harmony 650 remote). This then ensures that the tv goes through a full check at switch on and eventually sets the tv to ‘audio system active’. Switching the amplifier off first sets the tv to ‘tv speakers active’ which seems to ensure that all is set up correctly at next switch on. Not ideal and Sony really should do something about the way it handles hdmi (Bravia) communications. 

good luck



Hi - I'm having the exact same problem with my Q M2 soundbase on the same TV. Did you find a solution? I'm wondering if I should factory reset to the previous version of android and see if that cures it.


Appreciate any advice you can give...




Eventually I reverted to using  Bravia sync for the tv to amplifier control. Now when the tv turns on it then turns on the amplifier. Tv turns off and amplifier turns off. My Harmony turns on the tv and the amplifier follows. I had to generate new tv ‘buttons’ to set the amplifier inputs correctly (as the amplifier no longer appears in the activity). At last all appears to be running correctly!