Wired Lan problem with Kd55xd8505


Wired Lan problem with Kd55xd8505

My tv does not recognize wired Lan connection? I have tested that my rj45 cable is working. Also my internet connection is ok since tv can make wireless connection ok. I have my computer connected to internet with wired lan and that works well. 


Hi Spikeramm,


Did this happen following a software update?






The solutions quoted above didn't work for me unfortunately (Reboot and forgetting previously connected WiFi connections).

In "Network" under "Wired LAN" is says "Checking" followed by an address (100.64. etc).

Everything was working fine yesterday.

Does anybody have any more suggestions?




Totally agree, these guys are a joke, I've had an xf90 for a year and a half now, and had endless issues with the poor software, the underpowed soc, numerous bugs, issues with HDMI, and yesterday now that i am working from home i have found that if i leave the tv connected to ethernet and in standby, it disconnects my PC every half an hour or so, knocking me out of calls on my softphone and generally causing me a massive headache trying to work out why this is suddenly happening, as soon as i realised i had made the mistake of connecting the tv to the ethernet the night before, and disconnecting it, the problem has gone away, likewise if i leave an HDMI connected to an output on my pc, even when it is not in use, it tries to poll the connection every so often and causes the screen to blank out as the computer tries to decide what display to use. again, this is when the display is in standby. total. utter. crap. I will never buy bravia ever again, it's junk

Hi all,

I had a similar issue. Ethernet cable is plugged in but says not internet connection. Youtube, Amazon Prime and Google Play store can't connect to internet. Network check completed succesfully without errors. But Netflix worked, which was really crazy. My issue started on 2020-07-30 out of nowhere, no software update. I tried static IP settings, reboots of router and tv, even factory reset of tv. Nothing helped.

I think the date time can cause the issue. After setup it to use network time automaticly it worked instantly. This is not the default setting!

My theory: If you disconnect your sony android tv from power supply it will loose the internal date and time. After power on the startup date and time is too far away, so the system causes an internet connection issue.


Hey I have the same problem, I fixed the date but internet is still not working and it is through a LAN!! What the ff??!?!? 

Changing the time to network time solved my problem.


I had the exact same issue this week. I did a soft and full factory reset. The issue, as mentioned above, seems to be around the time / date settings. Netflix still worked, but Disney, YouTube, Prime, etc. just stopped. All wired LAN settings were setup correctly and WiFi was disabled. The fix came from Settings - System Preferences - Date & Time - Automatic... and select Use network time.

Once I changed this everything came back straight away. 

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Changing the Data and Time to the Network time worked for me also.Thank you!


Thank you very much. You just solved my exact same problem. The time was way out. I have reset it and Ethernet is working fine. Question is why did this happen in the first place? Are you listening Sony?


Had similar network issue with my KD-55XD9305. Have used wired lan and started playing up in last week or so. Setting the auto time from off to use network seems to have done the trick. Got to say so disappointed with this Sony Android TV. Appalling software, constantly crashes, reboots, long lags using basic functions.