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No Input/Settings/Tv Guide banner on Google Tv's Home A80J

No Input/Settings/Tv Guide banner on Google Tv's Home A80J

Hello everyone,

I just bought a Sony A80J in Italy. Unfortunately I can't see Program Guide / Input / Settings button (I marked them with orange).

Anyone's know if there's a chance to activate it?

I saw some video in which those are there in the Home screen but mine does not






Don't know which system app are expected to be shown on your home page, but normally you should use the related button on the remote, are they not working?



Try posting in


There are many regional differences from country to country, both in what the local broadcasting services supply, and permit, and in what Sony themselves offer - e.g. no YouView outside the UK.


So perhaps you have seen something on a UK or US Sony video, that isn’t being offered in Italy?


Please also clarify if you are using this set in Italy, or have imported it to the UK and are trying to use it here.


That would open a whole extra can of worms 😛

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