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Missing frames on USB HDD playback

Missing frames on USB HDD playback

When playing back recordings made on a USB HDD we get missing frames where the screen goes black for a split second. This can be every few minutes or every few seconds. This only happens on playback, not when watching live TV.


KD43XG8096BU with WD Elements HDD connected to blue USB port




Hi mad_cyril,

You could try getting in touch with
Sony Support about this to see what they say.


I have same problem.

My HDD is the same make as yours, 1TB version, only difference is my TV is 49XF9005.

Didn't have this problem on Android 7, it only started to happen since it was upgraded to Android 8.

I think the issue only effects HD recordings playback. SD plays back ok. It doesn't matter if the recording took place back on Android 7, the play back is missing frames.


I know of others on forums who have the same problem.

Thanks for reporting this, mad_cyril.


I thought that this was a fault with my USB3 128GB flash drive until I tried another USB2.0 flash drive and got the same problem and then saw this thread.


I have seen the flashing black screen problem on both BBCHD and ITVHD, but yesterday, as a test, I set a recording of Dempsey and Makepeace on ITV4 SD and can confirm that it seemed to be ok, so it indeed looks like a problem with HD channels only as reported earlier.

Me too. I'm using a Seagate SSD 1TB on a 49XG9005. Seems to be HD content playback only too. Any luck with a solution yet?

I'm going through stuff with Sony support at the moment but currently no solution. 


Tried the following -

Factory reset.

Pulling plug and waiting 2 mins before re-powering.

Clear cache.

Re-turne of signal.


Haven't been able to try a clean/new drive as I don't have a spare.

I would like to try deregister the drive, full format on a PC and then register it again for recording and see if that works but don't want to lose all my recordings. 

Anyone willing to try?

Thanks for that. Hope one of those works. Hate the idea of doing a factory reset or reformatting the drive and losing all my recordings. Very drastic but worth it if it works.

None of things support have suggested to try has fixed the problem, for me anyway. 


A factory reset did not cause me to lose my recordings.

Deregister of HDD for recording will cause me to lose all recordings. 


Has everyone contacted Sony support of the issue? Please do as the more that report it the more chance of getting a fix.

I would hate to go through a factory reset process and lose all my settings as part of a fix that almost certainly wouldn't work, particularly since I have already done this once as part of another support ticket opened with Sony.


I (and others) have established that it appears to be only a problem on HD channels.

I have tried two different 128GB USB sticks that have exhibited the same problem on HD channels.

A test recording of Dempsey and Makepeace on ITV4 (SD) appears to be fine, looking at the first five minutes (Enjoyable at the time when I was little but I wouldn't want to watch all of that now! :))

I am over 1 hour and 30minutes of the way through a Film4 (SD) recording of 'Roman J. Israel Esq' and there hasn't been a single frame missed.


I have already reported at least two other unnecessary and annoying faults to Sony since buying my XG83 television a couple of months ago. I will leave this to others to report as I don't want to add to my growing pile of personal Sony support tickets, at present.


Thankfully, I have decent functioning five year old Panasonic PVR that can record HD without problems, anyway. It just would be nice to have the back up of being able to record a third HD broadcast at the same time for when the PVR is already fully in use.

My TV is the XF9005. Different TV, same issue so to me it sounds Android 8/software related.


If I find/get a fix I'll be sure to report here.