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kd43xe8004 can't extend memory

kd43xe8004 can't extend memory

Hi guys,

I purchased a brand new 64gb USB stick to extend the memory of my TV, but every time I put the hard drive in the tv asks if I want to register to extend the menu I hit ok it asks to format it I hit ok it attempts to format the drive for about 2 mins then says it can't format said drive.

Strange parts to this are if I remove the drive then plug it back into the TV and go to the storage settings it says the drive is safely removed, huh!?

Then when I plug the drive into my laptop it says it needs formatting but can only see 14mb of the drive, so I have to use a partition manager to wipe the drive and re format it to get the 64gb back, this is very frustrating as I know it's possible, what am I doing wrong? I have reformated the drive to all the fat formats and get the same outcome every time.


I believe the discussion is pretty much "on topic". Sony knows the problem exists for a long time.


The real question is: why are they not willing to fix it?


But I will shut-up now.

phturne39 wrote:

Sorry my friend I would prefer this thread stayed on topic.

The issue is extending the memory doesn't work and it should as it's a feature Sony endorse be it for sideloading or legitimate reasons.

I concur with @hvalentim, we were on topic after all. My point was that not only the extended memory is broken, we are not allowed to write in an external SD Card (USB storage device) either.


Anyway, Sony has been made aware of these issues moths ago. Long before Android 7.0 came out. They have been escalated to Sony from this forum. The problem is that Sony/Mediatek did fricking nothing about fixing them.


This has been indeed the first thing I tested after upgrading to Android 7.0. And with my HUGE disappointment it still didn't work. I couldn't believe my eyes. Not that much else has been fixed in Android 7.0. Apart from the regular, daily random reboots (even after a reset to factory settings). At least now they became very sporadic.


Hopefully they are working on a major bug fixing update. Also with some performances optimization. Because things like this (and not just the USB not working. All the continuos issues Android TV has at least on Bravia. USB broken, reboots, apps force closing, volume bar appearing after seconds and sometimes disappearing for a couple of minutes, same for the Picture Settings, but with the force-closing popup window instead , Amazon Video stuttering. Just name it) in my opinion hurt the Bravia brand image quite a lot. At the current state I would never suggest to anyone to buy (nor I would buy myself, having the budget) an A1 Oled. Especially the 75" A1 Oled. For $20,000 I would expect a TV nearly perfect, not the same (bad) Smart TV experience I get in my cheap 49XD8099.