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I can not install TV firmware update

I can not install TV firmware update

I have tried to install TV update for my New Tv for the PS5, ( KD-55XH9296 ) I tried 2 USB sticks with the update on and when I plug into my TV it does nothing but if i go on INPUTS it shows the USB, Sometimes when I plug it in, It says do I want to open contents or use as storage device or recordings, It should boot into update automatically, I have restarted my TV several times. I have extract folders into USB like they should and Its format is fat32, I dont know what to do please help? 



I updated mine via USB (XF90) with no issue. If it was anything like the update I did, inside your USB you should just have one file, with a .pkg extension. It shouldn't be in a folder or anything, and when plugged in the TV should automatically recognise the USB as containing an update, and start preparing it.


Hope that helps.