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3d glasses registered ok but no 3d since June 2017 update kd55x8509c

3d glasses registered ok but no 3d since June 2017 update kd55x8509c

My active 3d glasses were working perfectly before the June firmware update.  Now the glasses register ok but they turn on and go off immediately. I have three pairs showing the same problem. Batteries have been replaced, TV restarted and also set to factory defaults. 3d on the TV is turned on and stays active so that is not a problem.  Bluetooth is on.  The glasses although registered just don't work anymore. 

My sequence for watching a 3d program which used to work is; go into YouTube and select a 3d film. Press the Action Menu and turn on 3d. Press the button on the glasses which are registered. The light on the glasses comes on for about 3 seconds and then goes off. No 3d through the glasses. 

This started after the last update in June. 

Any info on this would be appreciated. 

Community Team

Hi @Microfish8 and welcome to the community,


Sorry to hear you're having issues. I recommend that you get in touch with Support so they can help you with this (details here).

