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why did you add back markings on the back when the xperia line has a clean back?

why did you add back markings on the back when the xperia line has a clean back?

The one big benefit of xperia phones that i wish other manufacturers would adopt and never did is the fact that all the ugly markings like "designed by" "ce" "trascan icon" all those ugly markings don't exist on the xperia line as they are hidden on a little paper piece inside the phone i loved that i praised it with xperia phones for so many years, i hated the markings on the original xperia z then i noticed they were removed and i was so happy about that it made sony phones superior to any other phone markings like that destroy a nicely designed phone, now i suddenly notice ( i never looked as i never expected it) that the xperia 5 has those ugly markings just like any other phone brand you had a perfect unique amazing thing where your phones were the only ones with just a siple faded sony logo everything else clean black, and for no reason at all you get rid of it? i am sending this phone back for that reason i was considering keeping it as i am slowly falling in love with it especially for how incredible the screen is compared to any other phone i have ever seen including the note 10+, but those markings ruined it when i noticed them why even put them back what reason did you have to just go backwards on such an amazing concept? if this is the future of xperia phones theres going to be one more reason for me not to get them which is a shame as the xperia 5 finally returned to the root of why i love sony xperia design in the first place it's a thinner xperia z4 compared to the 1 which was curved and then you had to ruin it like that i just want to know why there were zero downsides of keeping that paper inside zero it was the most amazing concept you had literally zero reason to print everything on the back you removed it for a reason and then you added it back for no reason, thats like all manufacturers forcing a watermark on your photos and you being the only one for years offering photos with no watermarks then for no reason you decide to force watermarks too zero reason, i am so upset.

sony always catered to my high standards of design and details every detail mattered on a sony phone every single one there was nothing on a sony phone that wasn't carefully thought of designwise, the edge speakers on the z5 and z4 line for example hidden subtle that was added for a reason, the antennalines on the xperia xz1 not being added straight into the back like all other brands did but with a very faint little line that connects to the camera with shaped antenna lines on the side to preserve that full metal back with no obstruction, every attention to detail is why i love sony don't become like other manufacturers i chose the note 10+ over a sony phone as the note 10+ looks more like a sony than most current xperia phones, if you move further away from this and stop caring about small little details then you are going to lose me as a customer sure i may be just one customer but i want you to care about the details like you always have like so many other brands won't because that is why i own nearly every single z line xperia phone because they mattered to me the design mattered to me, i bought the z1 compact not because i needed it but because it's pretty infact i am in the process of collecting them and restoring the ones i have to put them on display thats how much those details matter to me, all you need to do with the 5 is get rid of the rounded curve screen corners get rid of the one speaker cut and adopt the same front as the z4 but with thinner bezels, make bezels evenly sized top and bottom and get rid of all the markings on the back and allow the full brightness to be accessed everywhere not just on the youtube app i can live with the 21 9 aspect ratio thats how you get me to pay 1000 dollars for a phone.


I've got the Xperia 1 and have side by sided the 5 and 1 in Carphone Warehouse, and on both the backs, all they both say is Sony and Xperia, there's no other markings, so I can't understand what you are meaning.

And to say the Note 10 looks like an Xperia, IMHO, it just looks like all the other Samsungs, a lifeless brick shaped phone, albeit with a stupid hole punch camera on the screen.

the note 10 is nearly an identical copy of the sony loop design xperia xz and xz1 sometimes i mistake my note 10+ for my xperia xz1 thats how similar they look, the markings are below the xperia logo faint but they are there if the picture won't load is this specific to sweden or nordic countries?


Well, after looking at your pic, I can honestly say, the working one I played with and compared did not have anything under "Xperia", and I've just gone and watched out of interest a few UK unboxings, and looked at lots of pics, and they don't have them either.

Maybe some owners could chime in..

perhaps you just didn't see the text it is very black and very faint easy to miss until you look closely it's near invisible at least but i still don't like it it's as if a scratch is near invisible until you see it, will call sony lund on monday and see what they say about this i see no reason for sony to do this at all when they took it out for a reason.